Friday, September 28, 2012


from the lab of a maniacal genius, robots have emerged and have only one purpose, TO DESTROY MANN CO. forged by a man called gray, who killed his brothers, redmond and blutarch, in order to take what he feels he rightfully deserves. who can stop these dangerous machines? only the best in what they do. the mercs hired by the two brothers to kill each other, have now teamed up to take down the metal behemoths and to take back their jobs.  the two teams, more formally known as red and blu team, have joined together to fight against the only thing as dangerous and deadly as
themselves....THEMSELVES. that's right, gray has modified and strengthen the models of team destruction into his own personal army. but the team of 6 is not alone. they have they aid of the one and only Saxton Hale, the current owner of Mann co. Well, not exactly the aid, but they do have his weapons to fight with, for a fee of coarse. the team can upgrade and improve their weapons, their body, and even carry canisters of amazing property.  but what exactly are they fighting?  only massed produced copies of themselves, but wait, there's more. not only are they facing horde upon horde of robot copies, they are also facing hordes of giant robotic copies, that's right, giants have entered the battle field. not only are they big and heavily protected, their weapons are giant too. you may think, robots and giants, oh my. it gets worse than that, there's also something that's big, strong, and runs off of blood. we are not to sure about that last part, because its usually covered in it.

one can only hope that the army of robots can be pushed back and defeated, and gray taken down from his robotic throne, by the hands of 6 people. ITS TIME TO MANN UP!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ruby's Quest

here is a poem of the metal glen. it is a sad but truthful place. it can only be described as all of our fears and vices in a single place.

    My mother told me once of when
    A young hare ventured from her den
    And as she danced in field and glen
    The world sang joy about her.
    But wicked hateful things abound
    And that young hare these evils found
    Then whisked her up from off the ground
    And glen was left without her.

    The wicked power tore asunder
    And with this cruel and fateful blunder
    Cast her to a world of wonder
    Would she e'er see home again?
    And so hare flew that mournful day
    Over the sky and far away
    And down and down, beneath the sea
    To a place unlike the glen.

    A world of men and man's design
    A place where God's light would not shine
    A Hell of steel beneath the brine
    Where misery's echoes boomed.
    And all around her there were others
    Beasts like her, all sisters, brothers,
    Locked up, all, with one another,
    In deep sea-dark, entombed.

    And in this crypt far from the shore
    The hare lay down upon the floor
    Imprisoned there forever more
    And left to all her sorrow.
    Her tender world was lost and gone
    So joy and happiness foregone
    She slept and cried and prayed for dawn
    To wait the coming morrow.

    The hound was still, the birds said naught,
    The fox denied he had been caught,
    The bear cried "This is just our lot",
    And surrendered to his pain.
    But the cat stood up and shook his head
    And rising from his metal bed
    He said "For now, I am not dead,
    And I will not die in vain!"

    He cried aloud with much disdain
    And tore about his stark domain
    And said "These walls cannot contain
    A force as strong as I!"
    And the fox just laughed, and the birds all cried
    And the bear knotted up himself and died
    But the hare looked on as the poor cat tried
    To break him free and fly.

    He shook his chain with all his rage
    And flew in anger 'round his cage
    Decrying this dark mournful stage
    And the hare stood up as well.
    With passion did she then respond,
    She chewed her ropes and broke her bonds,
    And freed the cat, they ran beyond,
    They ran to flee that hell.

    And what became of cat and hare?
    Did they break free to purer air?
    To guess their fate we shouldn't dare
    Perhaps their tale closed well.
    But for all the beasts trapped in the Nether
    All life from out the loch and heather
    The flock that could not work together
    Are sure still trapped in Hell.
    Incense sweet, and cradled warm
    Like lovers coddled, arm in arm
    Two souls, nomadic, fleeing harm:
    That wicked, metal glen.
    Now coming morn drives off the curse
    Too startled still to dare converse
    Both praying they have seen the worst
    So ends their tale --

from the story "Ruby's Quest".it is one of the best things I've read.