Wednesday, December 19, 2012


with some problems, I was able to get my Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge working again. So great news everybody, I have the power to control the world with the psychic dominator. or i would if it wasn't for the fact as you can't play as yuri. you can play only as the allied forces and the soviet army. and their mission, to destroy the three psychic dominators yuri has placed around the world, or face certain doom. In which they do. sort of. when the president sent the air force to take down the psychic dominator that is placed on Alcatraz island, they were shot down by Yuri's turrets. luckily, one of the planes crashed into the nuclear power plant, knocking out power to the psychic dominator, and giving einstein enough time to acti

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


"The human brain. It is a Pandora's box of electrical charges which we only begin to understand. Now, most brains are receivers, but some are advanced, sending and receiving charges as they choose."

"We'll fight a life or death struggle against the powers of capitalism. Only complete faith in Yuri can protect you. Only total compliance will save the lives of you and your family. Empty .your mind, and submit to my will. The less you know, the better off you will be. I am Yuri. Obey me."

well, I finally got my Red Alert 2 cd working again. It was my favorite game as a kid, and i am excited to start playing again. I remember most of infantry and their great abilities. such as-

the Mirage tank

with the ability to transform itself into the image of a tree. its high powered flame cannon can devastate soldiers and tanks alike. It is extremely useful in surprise attacks and defending seemingly defenseless positions.
"Nobody here but us trees."

Apocalypse tank
the appropriately named apocalypse tank is very devastating. with twin cannons, anti-air missiles, and explosive rounds, this tank can bring devastation to anyone in its way. although slow, they are extremely powerful and a force to be dealt with.
"The Apocalypse has begun"

 Chrono Legionnaire
Agents from the future that have come back into the past to delete people from history. with the ability to travel through space and time, they can come from where ever to when ever. however, longer jumps take time, as it takes longer to get out of slip space in long distances, leaving them defenseless. but they are not weak, they each carry a weapon that can erase an object from history, as if it never existed.

"Never existed"

Terror Drone
think of them as giant 4-legged spiders. incredibly fast, very versatile, can kill a man in a single attack, and oh yeah, rip a tank into shreds. although very weak in defense and slow in attack, they can kill soldiers in single attacks and drill into tanks, protecting itself while slowly destroying the tank.

Yuri (clone)
The mad man himself doesn't feel right sitting behind a desk, but a genius of his position wouldn't dare step onto the battle field. So, he did the next best thing. he cloned and mass produced versions of himself and set them to do his bidding. these Yuri clones are no where as powerful as the original, but they still possess the power to take control of the unfortunate minds of their enemy. they also are able to release a small psychic wave of energy that kills any soldier, friend or foe, around him.

Tanya Adams
a bit of a hot headed commando, Tanya proves she can lift her own in the battle field. quick on her feet and quicker with a gun, she can take down an entire squad in a few moments. see that building over there? don't want it there anymore? send her in. with a batch of C4, she can knock anything down. ships in the water working too much of a hassle on your  base, Tanya is also a very good swimmer, with a quick run down, they can kiss their ships good bye.