Monday, November 5, 2012


To all those people that actually know me, they would know that i'm usually go to It is a pretty decent website full of funny stuff and not so funny people. It is run by the admin, the glorious leader Kim Jong Il. yes, our admin is recently deceased North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, or at least his persona is. No one really knows who exactly the Admin is, and those who do, keep an extremely tight lid on it. so for now, the Admin or whatever his or hers name really is, is for now, Kim Jong Il.

but enough of that. let's take a look at the more famous users on FunnyJunk.

There are multiple users on FunnyJunk that are well known by the users, and also hated by the users. some of the most famous users on FunnyJunk are both respected and hated. well, maybe not exactly respected. but they are well known for their antics. for instance, there is pedobearRAW, who constantly posts pony gore on any pony related thread. It gets to the point where he and he alone is aloud to post pony gore. anybody else is ridiculed and thumbed down to the depths of hell, except pedobearRAW. Another famous user on FunnyJunk is a person who goes by the name of phanact. as said by other users in regards to him, phanact is a "d**k sucking gay f****t who can burn in hell". phanact responded by agreeing with them. most commonly known as being a troll on the brony board, phanact depicts himself as an orange pony doing very scandalous and sexual things to the most strangest of things. drl is another somewhat famous user, although his popularity has dropped significantly over the past few months. He is another troll on the brony board. he most commonly used Dr. evil from Austin Powers as a sort of persona during posts written by haters.

some other famous users includes-

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