Friday, October 26, 2012

Slender Man

guess what i got in the mail yesterday...come on, guess. you are really bad at guessing because i got my White Morph suit mask in the mail yesterday. that means for this up and coming Halloween, i'm dressing up as Slender Man. but what is Slender Man, you may ask. Slender Man, from what i can tell, came from an old German folktale that parents used to tell their kids "don't be bad or else the Slender Man will get you". you know, those kinds of stories. but is it really a myth? some may think that a very tall and very slender creature with no face that takes people away is just an old crazy story. but the pictures don't lie. during the 1900's, pictures of a very tall man in a suit were taken, usually near a child that would go missing soon after. one may think its just some kind of kidnapper wearing a mask, but that's when things get weirder. no man has what appears to be tentacles coming out of his back. there are even police reports and audio clips of people that disappear from Slender Man. in one audio clip, a man that was taken into questioning seemed to be delusional and mad, he told the officer that something that had no face took his child, and was coming after him as well. the police officer questioning him

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