Friday, October 19, 2012

and now for something, completely different

there's a lot to talk about this week, well, actually i don't know what to talk about. so instead i'm just going to talk a bunch of different things this week.

now how about that Felix Baumgartner. the Austrian dare devil, has performed a most amazing feat in humanity. he flew to an amazing 24 miles up into the air by balloon flight and jumped. he fell at an amazing speed of 834 mph. the speed of sound is 768 mph. he freakin broke the sound barrier with just his body. he was in free fall for 4 minutes 19 seconds. this is just simply amazing. of coarse the internet is going wild about it too. making posts and parodies of his amazing feat. here are some of the parodies that were made.
and now for other news. lets see...recently i've seen the latest Doctor Who episode. the Angels take Manhattan. this was truly a great episode.   if you haven't seen it, i recommend it with a passion that could rival a thousand suns. it is simply amazing. there is one thing that gave me a great mind freak. who would have ever thought you could create a time paradox that was suppose to happen. what happened was *SPOILERS* the weeping angels got smart. they created a sort of farm in a hotel so they can continuously feed off humans by sending them back in time to that location. feeding off their potential energy again and again. Rory gets sent back in time, just outside that location, by the touch of a baby angel. the Doctor, Amy, and River, managed to get to Rory, while Rory was standing in a room with his future self. apparently at some point, the angels touch Rory and send him in that room where he spends the rest of his life. upon seeing himself and his wife Amy, he passes away. Rory has just seen himself pass away. so what do they do, run. if Rory never gets touched by an angel, then he couldn't have spent his life in that room, thus creating a paradox. as they were running, the weeping angels covered the stairs, blocking their escape. they can only go up the stairs and on to the roof. then things got freaky. turns out that the statue of liberty is a giant weeping angel, and was standing in front of the building. Rory and Amy back up to the opposite ledge, where Rory jumps on top. If he jumped and killed himself, then he could have never died in that room. Amy gets up on the ledge and tells him that if he jumps, she jumps too. if he's dead, then she couldn't live with herself. they both jump off the ledge, hand in hand, and die hitting the ground. this created a paradox and sent them back in time to the graveyard, back before they left off after Rory. before leaving, Rory noticed a tombstone that had his name on it. suddenly, a weeping angel came behind him and sent him back in time, back to the room where he spends the rest of his life. Amy gets herself sent back by the angel too,so she can life the rest of her life with him. this was a paradox that was suppose to happen. it totally surprised me. i didn't even think that was possible. a paradox that isn't a paradox. pardoxeption.

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