Wednesday, December 19, 2012


with some problems, I was able to get my Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge working again. So great news everybody, I have the power to control the world with the psychic dominator. or i would if it wasn't for the fact as you can't play as yuri. you can play only as the allied forces and the soviet army. and their mission, to destroy the three psychic dominators yuri has placed around the world, or face certain doom. In which they do. sort of. when the president sent the air force to take down the psychic dominator that is placed on Alcatraz island, they were shot down by Yuri's turrets. luckily, one of the planes crashed into the nuclear power plant, knocking out power to the psychic dominator, and giving einstein enough time to acti

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


"The human brain. It is a Pandora's box of electrical charges which we only begin to understand. Now, most brains are receivers, but some are advanced, sending and receiving charges as they choose."

"We'll fight a life or death struggle against the powers of capitalism. Only complete faith in Yuri can protect you. Only total compliance will save the lives of you and your family. Empty .your mind, and submit to my will. The less you know, the better off you will be. I am Yuri. Obey me."

well, I finally got my Red Alert 2 cd working again. It was my favorite game as a kid, and i am excited to start playing again. I remember most of infantry and their great abilities. such as-

the Mirage tank

with the ability to transform itself into the image of a tree. its high powered flame cannon can devastate soldiers and tanks alike. It is extremely useful in surprise attacks and defending seemingly defenseless positions.
"Nobody here but us trees."

Apocalypse tank
the appropriately named apocalypse tank is very devastating. with twin cannons, anti-air missiles, and explosive rounds, this tank can bring devastation to anyone in its way. although slow, they are extremely powerful and a force to be dealt with.
"The Apocalypse has begun"

 Chrono Legionnaire
Agents from the future that have come back into the past to delete people from history. with the ability to travel through space and time, they can come from where ever to when ever. however, longer jumps take time, as it takes longer to get out of slip space in long distances, leaving them defenseless. but they are not weak, they each carry a weapon that can erase an object from history, as if it never existed.

"Never existed"

Terror Drone
think of them as giant 4-legged spiders. incredibly fast, very versatile, can kill a man in a single attack, and oh yeah, rip a tank into shreds. although very weak in defense and slow in attack, they can kill soldiers in single attacks and drill into tanks, protecting itself while slowly destroying the tank.

Yuri (clone)
The mad man himself doesn't feel right sitting behind a desk, but a genius of his position wouldn't dare step onto the battle field. So, he did the next best thing. he cloned and mass produced versions of himself and set them to do his bidding. these Yuri clones are no where as powerful as the original, but they still possess the power to take control of the unfortunate minds of their enemy. they also are able to release a small psychic wave of energy that kills any soldier, friend or foe, around him.

Tanya Adams
a bit of a hot headed commando, Tanya proves she can lift her own in the battle field. quick on her feet and quicker with a gun, she can take down an entire squad in a few moments. see that building over there? don't want it there anymore? send her in. with a batch of C4, she can knock anything down. ships in the water working too much of a hassle on your  base, Tanya is also a very good swimmer, with a quick run down, they can kiss their ships good bye.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

the bells, the bells, the bells

recently, I've been listening to a song by Phil Ochs. it's called the bells, which is based off the poem written by Edgar Allan Poe. i find it very unique because the poem itself is somewhat difficult to say, due to the fact that the poem is uneven, different sized, and has big words. there are 4 parts to the poem. it starts off all nice and everything, then it gets darker and darker, leaving a sort of empty feeling upon ones life. a lot of people have had trouble reading it for it's unevenness. i find it simply amazing that phil ochs was able to create a song from it. down below, i have posted the lyrics to his song, perhaps you can youtube it and listen on in. under that, i posted the original poem by Edgar Allen Poe. so you can see how difficult this may have been.

The Bells-Phil Ochs
Hear the sledges with the bells
Silver bells
What a world of merriment
Their melody foretells
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle
In the icy air of night
All the heavens seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight
Keeping time, time, time
With a sort of Runic rhyme
From the tintinnabulation
That so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells

Hear the mellow wedding bells
Golden bells
What a world of happiness
Their harmony foretells
Through the balmy air of night
How they ring out their delight
Through the dances and the yells
And the rapture that impels
How it swells
How it dwells
On the future
How it tells
From the swinging and the ringing of the molten golden bells
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells
Of the rhyming and the chiming of the bells

Hear the loud alarum bells
Brazen bells
What a tale of terror now
Their turbulency tells
Much too horrified to speak
Oh, they can only shriek
For all the ears to know
How the danger ebbs and flows
Leaping higher, higher, higher
With a desperate desire
In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire
With the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells
With the clamor and the clanging of the bells

Hear the tolling of the bells
Iron bells
What a world of solemn thought their monody compels
For all the sound that floats
From the rust within our throats
And the people sit and groan
In their muffled monotone
And the tolling, tolling, tolling
Feels a glory in the rolling
From the throbbing and the sobbing
Of the melancholy bells
Oh, the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells
Oh, the moaning and the groaning of the bells.

Hear the sledges with the bells
Silver bells
What a world of merriment
Their melody foretells
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle
In the icy air of night
All the heavens seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight
Keeping time, time, time
With a sort of Runic rhyme
From the tintinnabulation
That so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells

The Bells- Edgar Allen Poe


Hear the sledges with the bells -
Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle
All the heavens, seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight;

Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells -
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.


Hear the mellow wedding bells -
Golden bells!
What a world of happiness their harmony foretells!
Through the balmy air of night
How they ring out their delight! -
From the molten - golden notes,
And all in tune,
What a liquid ditty floats
To the turtle - dove that listens, while she gloats
On the moon!
Oh, from out the sounding cells,
What a gush of euphony voluminously wells!
How it swells!
How it dwells
On the Future! - how it tells
Of the rapture that impels
To the swinging and the ringing
Of the bells, bells, bells -
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells -
To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells!


Hear the loud alarum bells -
Brazen bells!
What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells!
In the startled ear of night
How they scream out their affright!
Too much horrified to speak,
They can only shriek, shriek,
Out of tune,
In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire,
In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire,
Leaping higher, higher, higher,
With a desperate desire,
And a resolute endeavor
Now - now to sit, or never,
By the side of the pale - faced moon.
Oh, the bells, bells, bells!
What a tale their terror tells
Of Despair!
How they clang, and clash and roar!
What a horror they outpour
On the bosom of the palpitating air!
Yet the ear, it fully knows,
By the twanging,
And the clanging,
How the danger ebbs and flows;
Yet the ear distinctly tells,
In the jangling,
And the wrangling,
How the danger sinks and swells,
By the sinking or the swelling in the anger of the bells -
Of the bells -
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells -
In the clamor and the clanging of the bells!


Hear the tolling of the bells -
Iron bells!
What a world of solemn thought their monody compels!
In the silence of the night,
How we shiver with affright
At the melancholy menace of their tone!
For every sound that floats
From the rust within their throats
Is a groan.
And the people - ah, the people -
They that dwell up in the steeple,
All alone,
And who, tolling, tolling, tolling,
In that muffled monotone,
Feel a glory in so rolling
On the human heart a stone -
They are neither man nor woman -
They are neither brute nor human -
They are Ghouls: -
And their king it is who tolls: -
And he rolls, rolls, rolls,
A paean from the bells!
And his merry bosom swells
With the paean of the bells!
And he dances, and he yells;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the paean of the bells: -
Of the bells:
Keeping time, time, time
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the throbbing of the bells -
Of the bells, bells, bells: -
To the sobbing of the bells: -
Keeping time, time, time,
As he knells, knells, knells,
In a happy Runic rhyme,
To the rolling of the bells -
Of the bells, bells, bells -
To the tolling of the bells -
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells, -
To the moaning and the groaning of the bells.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

missing number seven

so apparently Im missing the 7th blog post that was suppose to be turned in for the teacher to see. some may argue that, even in this highly advanced technological age where a signal from mars takes 30 seconds but a signal from Britain takes 2 hours, the computer messed it up and didn't upload it. I am a man of my word and will say that i did not forget to write a post, i simply have nothing to write about. i find it simply amazing how through the course of 8 weeks, one can talk about everything that can come to mind and still have nothing more to write about. I can talk about the election but no one will listen. I can talk about my self but no one will care. its the kind of world that we live in now a days that makes you sit down and think. why is the world like this, because we let it happen. 

but enough of that for now. today, instead of some random mumbling that i tend to do in my head, i will leave you with some interesting quotes that i pick up every now and again. please note that these are actual quotes and i am not liable for what these people say. courtesy of  of for unknowingly influencing me to use their comics as influence for others.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate, 
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
-William Ernest Henley

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very,very small.
-Neil Armstrong

imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religon too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

You,you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one.
-John Lennon
(not zenpencil but close enough)

Here's an interesting form of murder we come up with: Assassination. you know what's interesting about assassination? well not only does it change those popularity polls in a big fucking hurry, but it's also interesting to notice who it is we assassinate. did you ever notice who it is? stop to think who it is we kill? it's always people who've told us to live together in harmony and try to love one another. Jesus, Gandhi, Lincoln, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, Malcom X, John Lennon. They all said: Try To Live Together Peacefully. BAM. Right in the fucking head. Apparently we're not ready for that.
George Carlin

Monday, November 5, 2012


To all those people that actually know me, they would know that i'm usually go to It is a pretty decent website full of funny stuff and not so funny people. It is run by the admin, the glorious leader Kim Jong Il. yes, our admin is recently deceased North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, or at least his persona is. No one really knows who exactly the Admin is, and those who do, keep an extremely tight lid on it. so for now, the Admin or whatever his or hers name really is, is for now, Kim Jong Il.

but enough of that. let's take a look at the more famous users on FunnyJunk.

There are multiple users on FunnyJunk that are well known by the users, and also hated by the users. some of the most famous users on FunnyJunk are both respected and hated. well, maybe not exactly respected. but they are well known for their antics. for instance, there is pedobearRAW, who constantly posts pony gore on any pony related thread. It gets to the point where he and he alone is aloud to post pony gore. anybody else is ridiculed and thumbed down to the depths of hell, except pedobearRAW. Another famous user on FunnyJunk is a person who goes by the name of phanact. as said by other users in regards to him, phanact is a "d**k sucking gay f****t who can burn in hell". phanact responded by agreeing with them. most commonly known as being a troll on the brony board, phanact depicts himself as an orange pony doing very scandalous and sexual things to the most strangest of things. drl is another somewhat famous user, although his popularity has dropped significantly over the past few months. He is another troll on the brony board. he most commonly used Dr. evil from Austin Powers as a sort of persona during posts written by haters.

some other famous users includes-

Friday, October 26, 2012

Slender Man

guess what i got in the mail yesterday...come on, guess. you are really bad at guessing because i got my White Morph suit mask in the mail yesterday. that means for this up and coming Halloween, i'm dressing up as Slender Man. but what is Slender Man, you may ask. Slender Man, from what i can tell, came from an old German folktale that parents used to tell their kids "don't be bad or else the Slender Man will get you". you know, those kinds of stories. but is it really a myth? some may think that a very tall and very slender creature with no face that takes people away is just an old crazy story. but the pictures don't lie. during the 1900's, pictures of a very tall man in a suit were taken, usually near a child that would go missing soon after. one may think its just some kind of kidnapper wearing a mask, but that's when things get weirder. no man has what appears to be tentacles coming out of his back. there are even police reports and audio clips of people that disappear from Slender Man. in one audio clip, a man that was taken into questioning seemed to be delusional and mad, he told the officer that something that had no face took his child, and was coming after him as well. the police officer questioning him

Friday, October 19, 2012

and now for something, completely different

there's a lot to talk about this week, well, actually i don't know what to talk about. so instead i'm just going to talk a bunch of different things this week.

now how about that Felix Baumgartner. the Austrian dare devil, has performed a most amazing feat in humanity. he flew to an amazing 24 miles up into the air by balloon flight and jumped. he fell at an amazing speed of 834 mph. the speed of sound is 768 mph. he freakin broke the sound barrier with just his body. he was in free fall for 4 minutes 19 seconds. this is just simply amazing. of coarse the internet is going wild about it too. making posts and parodies of his amazing feat. here are some of the parodies that were made.
and now for other news. lets see...recently i've seen the latest Doctor Who episode. the Angels take Manhattan. this was truly a great episode.   if you haven't seen it, i recommend it with a passion that could rival a thousand suns. it is simply amazing. there is one thing that gave me a great mind freak. who would have ever thought you could create a time paradox that was suppose to happen. what happened was *SPOILERS* the weeping angels got smart. they created a sort of farm in a hotel so they can continuously feed off humans by sending them back in time to that location. feeding off their potential energy again and again. Rory gets sent back in time, just outside that location, by the touch of a baby angel. the Doctor, Amy, and River, managed to get to Rory, while Rory was standing in a room with his future self. apparently at some point, the angels touch Rory and send him in that room where he spends the rest of his life. upon seeing himself and his wife Amy, he passes away. Rory has just seen himself pass away. so what do they do, run. if Rory never gets touched by an angel, then he couldn't have spent his life in that room, thus creating a paradox. as they were running, the weeping angels covered the stairs, blocking their escape. they can only go up the stairs and on to the roof. then things got freaky. turns out that the statue of liberty is a giant weeping angel, and was standing in front of the building. Rory and Amy back up to the opposite ledge, where Rory jumps on top. If he jumped and killed himself, then he could have never died in that room. Amy gets up on the ledge and tells him that if he jumps, she jumps too. if he's dead, then she couldn't live with herself. they both jump off the ledge, hand in hand, and die hitting the ground. this created a paradox and sent them back in time to the graveyard, back before they left off after Rory. before leaving, Rory noticed a tombstone that had his name on it. suddenly, a weeping angel came behind him and sent him back in time, back to the room where he spends the rest of his life. Amy gets herself sent back by the angel too,so she can life the rest of her life with him. this was a paradox that was suppose to happen. it totally surprised me. i didn't even think that was possible. a paradox that isn't a paradox. pardoxeption.

Friday, October 12, 2012

PETA's at it again

you know that organization PETA? people for the ethical treatment of animals? you know the ones that are a bit crazy? Ok, a lot crazy. well guess what they're attacking now. Pokemon black and white 2, that's right, Pokemon. the game where you make friends with creatures called Pokemon and fight against other trainers to be the very best like no one ever was. well now PETA thinks that the game is teaching kids abusing animals is okay. bullshit, am i right? well not only are they attacking Pokemon  they made a spoof game where you are a Pokemon and are fighting against abusive trainers and try to free other Pokemon. this spoof game is called Pokemon black and blue. this is a fully playable game with what i have to admit is decently made, well besides all the misinformation they put in the game. i mean, Pokemon is made to be friends with, otherwise they wont listen to you. plus look at Lucario, he only evolves through friendship.

but the biggest thing that makes me mad is how they made ash look. they made ash like he doesn't care at all. even though with simple research, like watching the second episode, you can see that ash is very caring to his Pokemon  especially Pikachu  this shows during the occasions like when ash risked his life to protect Pikachu from all the Spearows, or all those times that ash asked Pikachu if he wanted to leave, even though Pikachu declined on all occasions, or that time ash died protecting the Pokemon  that's right, ash died protecting Pokemon  in the first movie, mew and mewtwo were fighting against each other  and a bunch of Pokemon were fighting their genetic copies (clones), ash got in between mew and mewtwo to stop them from fighting. this ended up with ash becoming a solid statue. he came back to life with the tears of both normal and genetic Pokemon, and the energy of two legendaries. but all in all, ash really does care about his pokemon, and once again, PETA is talking about things they don't know.

<from the first movie.>

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Welcome to the Internet

did you know that the internet, and i mean the deep parts of the internet, has its own set of rules that describe how it works. these rules were enacted by an anon on 4chan, and some of the rules are still used by other groups and have their own websites.  of coarse no one takes the rules seriously because you're not supposed to.  in the original rules it says, "Rule 20. Nothing is to be taken seriously". later on the rules were shortened and revised, especially since it was originally 65 rules plus a citation and half a rule.
some of the rules that are most known through out the internet goes as follows.

1. do not talk about /b/
2. do NOT talk about /b/

these rules refer to the movie "fight club" which the first two rules were do not talk about fight club.  why is this a rule on the internet? these rules refer to /b/ or the random board on 4chan. /b/ is known for its numerous raids on a number of specific and well known targets on the internet. during which, it is very wise to not make yourself known during the raid. even though i should not talk of it, it has already been known who has done it by the media. previously, mountain dew had a contest where people can submit and vote for a new name of flavor called dub the dew. /b/ found out about this and caused a little mayhem. here are the results.

and now for some other rules.

3. we are anonymous
4. anonymous is legion
5. anonymous never forgives
6. anonymous is a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster
7. anonymous is still able to deliver
17. every win fails eventually
24. every repost is always a repost of a repost
29. in the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents
30. TITS or GTFO
37. there are no girls on the internet
34. there is porn of it. No Exceptions
34-1. if a porn of something cannot be found. /b/ will make it
38. a cat is fine too.
41. no matter what it is. it is someones fetish. No Exceptions
52. you cannot divide by zero (just because the calculator says so)
57. nothing is sacred
62. the pool is always closed.
63. there's always a female version of a male character. No Exceptions
65. it needs more pumpkin. No Exceptions

Friday, September 28, 2012


from the lab of a maniacal genius, robots have emerged and have only one purpose, TO DESTROY MANN CO. forged by a man called gray, who killed his brothers, redmond and blutarch, in order to take what he feels he rightfully deserves. who can stop these dangerous machines? only the best in what they do. the mercs hired by the two brothers to kill each other, have now teamed up to take down the metal behemoths and to take back their jobs.  the two teams, more formally known as red and blu team, have joined together to fight against the only thing as dangerous and deadly as
themselves....THEMSELVES. that's right, gray has modified and strengthen the models of team destruction into his own personal army. but the team of 6 is not alone. they have they aid of the one and only Saxton Hale, the current owner of Mann co. Well, not exactly the aid, but they do have his weapons to fight with, for a fee of coarse. the team can upgrade and improve their weapons, their body, and even carry canisters of amazing property.  but what exactly are they fighting?  only massed produced copies of themselves, but wait, there's more. not only are they facing horde upon horde of robot copies, they are also facing hordes of giant robotic copies, that's right, giants have entered the battle field. not only are they big and heavily protected, their weapons are giant too. you may think, robots and giants, oh my. it gets worse than that, there's also something that's big, strong, and runs off of blood. we are not to sure about that last part, because its usually covered in it.

one can only hope that the army of robots can be pushed back and defeated, and gray taken down from his robotic throne, by the hands of 6 people. ITS TIME TO MANN UP!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ruby's Quest

here is a poem of the metal glen. it is a sad but truthful place. it can only be described as all of our fears and vices in a single place.

    My mother told me once of when
    A young hare ventured from her den
    And as she danced in field and glen
    The world sang joy about her.
    But wicked hateful things abound
    And that young hare these evils found
    Then whisked her up from off the ground
    And glen was left without her.

    The wicked power tore asunder
    And with this cruel and fateful blunder
    Cast her to a world of wonder
    Would she e'er see home again?
    And so hare flew that mournful day
    Over the sky and far away
    And down and down, beneath the sea
    To a place unlike the glen.

    A world of men and man's design
    A place where God's light would not shine
    A Hell of steel beneath the brine
    Where misery's echoes boomed.
    And all around her there were others
    Beasts like her, all sisters, brothers,
    Locked up, all, with one another,
    In deep sea-dark, entombed.

    And in this crypt far from the shore
    The hare lay down upon the floor
    Imprisoned there forever more
    And left to all her sorrow.
    Her tender world was lost and gone
    So joy and happiness foregone
    She slept and cried and prayed for dawn
    To wait the coming morrow.

    The hound was still, the birds said naught,
    The fox denied he had been caught,
    The bear cried "This is just our lot",
    And surrendered to his pain.
    But the cat stood up and shook his head
    And rising from his metal bed
    He said "For now, I am not dead,
    And I will not die in vain!"

    He cried aloud with much disdain
    And tore about his stark domain
    And said "These walls cannot contain
    A force as strong as I!"
    And the fox just laughed, and the birds all cried
    And the bear knotted up himself and died
    But the hare looked on as the poor cat tried
    To break him free and fly.

    He shook his chain with all his rage
    And flew in anger 'round his cage
    Decrying this dark mournful stage
    And the hare stood up as well.
    With passion did she then respond,
    She chewed her ropes and broke her bonds,
    And freed the cat, they ran beyond,
    They ran to flee that hell.

    And what became of cat and hare?
    Did they break free to purer air?
    To guess their fate we shouldn't dare
    Perhaps their tale closed well.
    But for all the beasts trapped in the Nether
    All life from out the loch and heather
    The flock that could not work together
    Are sure still trapped in Hell.
    Incense sweet, and cradled warm
    Like lovers coddled, arm in arm
    Two souls, nomadic, fleeing harm:
    That wicked, metal glen.
    Now coming morn drives off the curse
    Too startled still to dare converse
    Both praying they have seen the worst
    So ends their tale --

from the story "Ruby's Quest".it is one of the best things I've read.